I was originally in the phase of getting the gears cranking for my new album. The first of the first demos had just been made and I was really getting somewhere. But unfortunately, in light of recent events, I have had to put music aside to focus on other stuff.
I don't think there's gonna be another album for a long time.
The project hasn't been CANCELLED... Just frozen. Nullified until a date where it will be un-nullified. This date will come when it comes. Maybe in 4 months, maybe 4 years. There's no telling right now. But the factory gears have slowed to a halt.
I did make a post similar to this previously, but here's a piece of information I decided was true the other day:
I am going to start posting music nonchalantly, just sharing my projects like that.
Unfortunately, life has worked its magic on me and I have been wacked into conformity.
What I'm not going to do anymore is "hold off" the music I make to release it all in an album later on. If I have a song in store or have just made it, I'm posting it.
Also, @mididucc 's new album basically already made my new album for me. They stole all my ideas, dammit! If you want to hear what a new album of mine kinda would've sounded like, give it a listen.
But yea. Free Tilldrawn for everyone. YAY.
Hello 👋
I found this post in my notification! I don't know if we know each other or have talked to each other before under different names. But thank you for mentioning my latest album!
I think it is really difficult to steal/copy someone ideas to 100%. I think us humans have vast different experiences and that translate into our creation. I recommend you giving it a try to create your own, I think it will be atleast interesting, or an amazing learning experience! There is the saying that I agree with "comparison is a thief of joy". I sadly compare myself to other people sometimes too but I don't let it stop me from doing what I set out to do in the beginning.
And I am also a strong believer in the path of least resistance when it comes to creative work. I believe that creative is very similar to play. And I try to prioritize fun in most of my creative process! Being critical of your work and learning from mistakes are great. But like 2 sides of the same coin, I think you should enjoy the process and celebrate your efforts, not just your results.
Sorry for the random and long paragraph lol I just wanted to say something. Happy new year and wish you the best! Thank you for listening to my music!