It all began on a Drawpile session. Everything was gangsta till some vertical line appears somehow around the edge of the canvas, right in front of where this one peep was doing their thing. So I guess this meant, in the words of everyone, "segregation", "marginalization" and, in my words, "banishment".
o then they were all like "What if I were to..." and hittem with one of these
I tried to reinforce the law but there was resistence from the oppressed
There was a lot of fear in reaction of the public about this as they watched the horrors unfold.
"Sh*t hitting the ceiling" - The initiator of this conflict can still be seen on the right, not colourized. Photo taken by an unknown source, believed to be dead.
I, being the reasonable person I am, decided to hittem widda
My requests were rejected and my ability to request further help was revoked, however the message was sent anyway and was later picked up by other stations.
After some time it gained some traction.
and then
For a while, the initial resistence was joined by other forces. They were also the first to install mechs in their arsenal.
The resistence set up a sniper to counted the UFO strike on the other side.
However I just countered it with more UFO's. Our team rolled out the biggest UFO in our fleet for this one, ready to obliterate these scrubs out of existence. Dr. Caustic joined in sometime later as well.
People were out here FIRIN THEIR LAZORS
Then this dude appeared, I forgot the name of it. It was something -zilla.
It just continued to grow. Eventually the resistence got a certain toilet on their side.
Some even tried voting for peace.
Continued in part 2