Sup Newgrounds?
My family and i were driving somewhere and, whilst stopping at a red light, i managed to capture a quick photo of this thing i saw on the side, with the intention of deciphering it later.
didnt know the location at the time, and my phone doesn't either for some reason.
anyway, a few days later (today) i interpreted it into a binary translator, and it came out with this gunk
seemingly theres some character that isnt recognized.
so i tried with different character encondings, and got different results. most of them filled in the unrecognized character with "í". the windows language thingies were pretty interesting.
When entered with Windows - 1523, Greek, it came out with "6ove you"
which is pretty close to "Love you" i guess? but i dunno.
the UTF thingies give some chinese text which google translate has no idea about, so, i guess ill be having no luck with that.
here's the code if you wanna try:
0110110 01101111 011101101 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101
Edit: sorry, misinterpreted the original code. It says "Love you" after all.
aww, thanks stranger
Damn lmao that's such an interesting side quest, deciphering random codes found in random places is such a cool thing to do and I like that in the end it says "Love you" <3
Yea, i know right?! I was seretly hoping it would send me down some rabbit hole like in those internet documentaries on youtube, but. just got a wholesome message instead XD
maybe one day i (or you) will come across a real mystery.
or maybe ill just go out there and make one myself...