I like garages, graffiti, garbage, wheatfields, sunsets, airplanes and SMILING :))) :DDDD
every act of kindness is an act of charity!


Noscoper's Academy

the bloody M25

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Tilldrawn's News

Posted by Tilldrawn - October 17th, 2023

There's going to be a hold on the music posting until 2024.

I know I haven't been posting much art recently.

That would be because most of work is currently with my school being examined, and I will get it back at the end of October.

Once I get my stuff back, slowly but surely, there will start to be an art explosion where I just post everything.

Hoping I get scouted :))))

I still have some stuff I could potentially post now, but I'll wait until then so it can all come together nicely.

(It's mostly all pen and pencil doodles anyway but I'm passionate about sharing them).

No progress has been made on the game since the last post about it. I don't think it will ever be done.

Game making is difficult business, okay? I'd rather spend the time making music anyway.

but that's just the way things go



Posted by Tilldrawn - October 3rd, 2023

man i LOve reese basses. you can literally just use them in almost any situation ever and it will just work.

have some lone high-register chords and dont know what to do to fill the rest of the sound?

slap on a reese bass

have a ton of clashing noise going on but not a strong enough bassline?

stick on one of those bad boys

have no way to start your song?

just add a reese following the main progression

and it will just work every time m8



Posted by Tilldrawn - September 19th, 2023

Hello chat

I have a YouTube channel now, where I will be uploading my stuff.

I'm not going to upload absolutely everything, only the important stuff.

I'm using Clipchamp at the moment to edit any videos.

Be sure to check it out!



Posted by Tilldrawn - September 17th, 2023

Some context for my first album since I never really explained it before.

My first album was made sometime in late 2021 and finished in early 2022. I made it using my first midi keyboard which I got as a gift.

I used one drum pack throughout, one which comes default with MPC Beats (the DAW I used at the time).

It features 7 tracks.

Intro - background music w/ tts giving an introduction to the album

Woo Woo Caravan - a tacky recreation of Dunderpatrullen's Klart Grabben Ska Ha En Husvagn with a tacky replacement name.

I was unsure of the circumstances of uploading it here since it is a cover.

Automatic Tackle Delve - a text to speech rap (I've posted it on my page if you're interested). Yes I made that epic glitch sound at the end myself

Attack of the Thumbtacks - a long one, this. The album was originally going to be called this but then I thought of a better name. Really repetetive, I know, but I'm proud that I did that at the time. I think it should've been faster however I have lost the original file in the Wipe of 23.

Funny Looking Grapes.........

Sour Dreams - pretty much sounds like 50hz's earlier stuff if you think about it

Leaving Murray's Park - a BONUS 7th track ;))

The disc process was a little complicated. I wasn't into the whole burning business until then.

Since I didn't own a CD player, testing it out would be difficult.

Luckily, my friend did have one. So every day, I would bring it into school and give it to him, then he would take it home and see if it works.

Then the next day he would give it back to me along with a report, then I would take it back to the lab and convert all the files to something else. Then we would repeat the process.

Then I learnt that you had to burn stuff to a disc for it to be readable. So I did that, then finally it worked.

Since I didn't own a jewel case at the time, I grabbed an old DVD case and took its contents and front and back covers out. I then replaced all that with my own work.

work smarter, not harder

I went on a little photoshoot to a local park for the art.

Printed them out and stuck them on the cover. For the front, I made some low tier lettering and stuck it over the front, and coloured the background in a little for some cool effect.

I can't exactly remember where I found the CD for it but I just doodled on it.

The name of the album was an altered version of the name of park where the pictures were taken.




As for the music itself, well...

It's a mess to say the least.

Its muffled, weird yet sort of funky feel to it is what makes it stand out, I think.

If I had been bothered to use other drums, I would have, but I don't even think I knew how.

I was still relatively new to the DAW and getting the hang of things is sort of. Difficult.

It's mixed terribly and pretty much not mastered at all. But it's slightly nostailgic and special to me.

The melodies are off, the synthesizers sound... odd... in a fun kind of way. Just not fun enough to be innovative and cool.

It's mushy, it's colourful with crayon smears of brown and dark green along with bright reds and blues.

It's just a fun mess around.

It's Murray's park. my first album.




Posted by Tilldrawn - September 1st, 2023

Well I am proud to announce that today, the 1st of September, marks the release of my newest album: The Wheatfields.

The art will be uploaded to the portal soon.

Some insight into this album:

Originally, I made this album with the thought in mind that this one is going to be different to my other albums, and

I suppose that's what it ended up being.

There was one main inspiration during this album's production, and that was the works of C418.

And also Mr Incredible Becoming Uncanny videos.

And those videos of creepy or unsettling images with hauntingly pleasant music in the background.

Strangely enough.

Ambient sonatas, mellow lullabies and sprinkles of unnerving synth solos to make you feel like you're drowning in a cold, misty aether.

These songs were made specifically to induce this kind of feeling, focusing more on the ambient, long, slow pieces without much of a repeated structure (with some songs refusing to have a set BPM at all) as opposed to my usual weird, crazy bitpop universe of colours and chaos. If you are bothered to be invested enough on your part, I attempted to make it as much of an adventure as possible, with paying attention to small details woven within the fabric of the structure, chords and sound design to manifest the desirable outcome. Although, like always, I don't really know if you will see it the way I do.

Coming back to the "inspirations", these were legitimately what gave me the most ideas for these songs.

(The Mr Incredible one because of all the creepy, ambient, dark and spooky song segments).

The C418 part is pretty self explanitory. Some songs are based off of his works, and usually with an added flavour of eeriness.

As such, all the song titles will be as short and mystic as possible. Also deterring from my usual path.

I will be uploading the songs to the portal over the next 3 days (total of 4 per day).

So please, from beginnign to end, enjoy getting lost in the wheatfields.


Posted by Tilldrawn - August 22nd, 2023

Alright, so I found something. That something was Trackiton Waveform. The free version.

I don't know if they're intentionally trying to fry my brain but the layout and UI is discombobulating.

There are tutorials they have made online, and I suppose I should check them out. That would be wise, yes.

However for now, I have been left running home to MPC Beats with open arms, diving into and relishing in the comfort of its familiarity and utility, practically rolling around and covering myself in gratitude.

It already feels good to be back in my shell. :).

As I was like this with MPC Beats at first as well, I suppose this will need some adaption also. However I am working on a lot right now, and don't have the will or time to dedicate hours to familiarising myself with Waveform's seemingly dubious and evil ways.


So what am I working on anyway?

At the moment, I am working on 2 albums simultaneously (as is my preferred workflow so when I'm not working on one, I can work on the other).

"Everyone Gets A Turn" and "The Wheatfields"

Both are almost complete.

Other projects include a cover image for The Wheatfields and that game I discussed earlier.

That's about 4 things I'm juggling, but I'm managing. Hopefully I can get enough done before school begins :P

So yeah. Trackiton sucks so far but I'm sure I'll warm to it later. See you around.


Posted by Tilldrawn - August 22nd, 2023

What a lovely morning

I think it is time for me to try out a new DAW

I have been using MPC Beats as a weapon of choice for a few years now.

Sometimes I feel like trying something new.

Something free, preferably.

Not to switch forever, but just for a change of scene once in a while.

So I go looking for a new free software and try it out

i mean, it always ends horribly

but there are hundreds of free workstations out there, im bound to find something reasonable one day.

You never know, maybe I will find something even better that Beats!!?

until then, MPC Beats will remain my main weapon.

If you're a beginner looking for a free software, just get MPC Beats, trust me. It has everything.

But if you do use it, a midi controller of sorts is always good to have (Same goes for just about any workstation :P)

now off i go to search for something. see you later.


Posted by Tilldrawn - August 19th, 2023

I am working on a new game.

I used to spend a ton of time on Scratch when I was a kid, and have like a hundred projects. However only a few of them actually made it to their finishing phase. And by a few I mean maybe one or two.

However, this time, since I'm uploading to this website, I have actual reason and motivation to finish it.

It will be a bit bigger than "STRIFE" of course, with there being multiple levels and actual gameplay.

It is going to be action, space themed sci-fi and have multiple levels.

Since I can't animate that well, the characters are going to be stick people. Hey, simple and easy yet useful, yknow?

As such, the art style is going to also be pretty simplistic, so dont expect anything feature-worthy.

I guess the point is to have a little fun game with a story, and a little soundtrack to go. Can't go wrong with that.

The soundtrack, as of now, will also be made by me, like in my previous projects. I will also upload the songs to the portal when the game releases.

See you around!

Edit: due to me being the person I am, other projects have come in the way, and as such, progress on this game will be on hold until further notice. Personally I don't know if it will ever be done but I have a good foundation.

It's not like I've given up, it's just that there are other things I am doing instead.


Posted by Tilldrawn - August 14th, 2023

About my new album of the title's same name.

Essentially, what this album is is a collection of songs I remade in my own style (with a few original ones thrown in).

At first, I wasn't exactly expecting to upload it. The thought kind of stayed in the back of my mind, but I never really put it into motion.

However now that I have started to upload things to this website, you can kind of see the problem here.

Since they are recreations, uploading them won't be as easy because I need permission from the owner or something.

I don't even know what I have to do. Do I just pull up in this famous age-old band's emails and ask "Yo can I upload this" or what?


As for the album itself, I would say I did an okay job. There are a few really good song recreations in there. Mind you, it's not exactly complete yet, but this is the tracklist (not in order) as of now:

Weezer - Beverly Hills

Curt Blakeslee - Beatdown

The 1975 - Chocolate

The Killers - Losing Touch

The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition

Tomoko Kawase - Papermoon

Dunderpatrullen - Pompadour

Me - Intro (for Everyone)

Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi

The La's - There She Goes

Jeff Syndicate - Hip Hop

Dunderpatrullen - Sparkopedtjanst For You

Todd Bryanton - I Like Trains

The Kooks - Sway

Oasis - Don't Look Back in Anger

Throughout this album, I've been experimenting with a new idea, and that is the digital generation of a synthesizer which sounds like an electric guitar (because I don't really have one irl). Because most of the songs that involved this were in the earlier phase of the concept, I still hadn't gotten the hang of it yet, so it sounds super clunky. But oh well.

"My style" (as of the time of this album's production) is that, mixed with acoustic sounding drums, paired with a ton of synthesizers, mostly involving chiptune-esque leads. A genre also known as BITPOP.

Also here is the front cover:



A small note; I'm not trying to make money off of my music. I just need it to be uploaded.

I've worked on this album tirelessly for months now, it would be a shame to see it all go to waste.

On the bright side, I guess, even if i didn't get to upload it, I've gained a ton of musical knowledge and experience from it.

Can someone please help me out here? Thanks.


Posted by Tilldrawn - August 13th, 2023

This is basically a descripton of the album On My Computer which I think I promised some time ago.

I would say it was "made" in 2022 rather than "released" because I've never started to release my music anywhere until now.

I think I described it well in the liner notes so here:

"This album was an arguably successful attempt at recreating the traditional sound of swedish bitpop from the early 2000's. It includes intentional offbeat melodies, abnormal synthesizers with sometimes obnoxious portions of gain and drive, very minimalistic layering and, overall, a sort of bottom-of-the-barrel low-fidelity feel. While this probably wasn't the intended atmosphere for the music at the time, in retrospect that's what it turned out to be, and I thoroughly enjoyed recreating those kinds of sounds to simulate such a distinctive aura.

So enjoy my album, and remember; music is what you make of it. The sound being carried to your ear is one thing, but what happens once it enters your nerves is entirely based off of who you are and what you've experienced in your journey so far."

By hearing this, you'd probably think you're about to lay your ears on some masterpieces but really it's a barely-hanging-together, janky compilation of goofs. Still though, I enjoyed making it.

There are no images there. I might have a few on my old phone. I might dig them up in a future post. For now, here are the covers:



To be honest, most of the things I picture in my head and feel because of this music are specific to my perspective. I doubt other people will feel the same obviously, because everyones perspective is different. It would be interesting to hear what you think!

Mostly, for me its late in the afternoon or at night, maybe in a dimly lamp-lit room, chilling on a Windows XP computer on a big clicky clacky keyboard and two small speakers, at a desk, just doing your thing. It's a relaxing picture to me.
